2013. január 1., kedd

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The shy hand out: "You go. Should not be hard for me not you let me live?" Yang Jian laughed: "Oh. Since God destined acquaintance also doomed between us this story even if you hide in the corners of the earth Is able to avoid this feeling? like me to face him how good the face of our future. "Chang'e instant tears slipped down the road: "Do not force me, OK? let me calm down a" Yang Jian Chang E's hand immediately release the Road: "Well, I go so I come back I will see you." said END wanted the door this time Chang E suddenly said: "come back alive no matter what happens?" Yang Jian took a deep breath and said: "will" and then disappeared in the line of sight of Chang E,colorful basketball shoes. Chang E looking at the the Yang Jian backs terribly upset. powerless shut the door after has been whimper than Yang Jian Chang E barracks out suddenly a long breath. then so weak collapsed on the ground. nba propped his Road : "Do you hear your Chang E to let you come back alive, you can not live up to people one on your expectations." Yang Jian looked back at the tent that delicate figure my heart like a knife thrust as bouts of severe pain than. After a long time before a long breath and said: "I know I will definitely come back to see her alive." Chu river Emperor has crying a mess. then said: "you usually are so cheat girls ? "nba back and said:" What is to cheat. reveal the truth bad bad. Yang Jian Zuiben and I just let him he wanted to convey the meaning of the expression. "the Chu river Emperor Road:" You never are not so affectionate fooled me. "the nba sighed:" What is cheat I would have said this is you do not hear it. "the Chu river Emperor Road:" No, what do you want Fool me once the job. "the nba silent, then smiled and said:" Let's go back. careful to stay out too long problems. "and then pulled Chu river Emperor flew to heaven just to the edge of the Hongze Lake. nba has not yet entered the door to heaven. suddenly heard a hoarse voice said: "little brother. Could left to talk about with the old lady?" the nba leng forthwith saw a white-haired old man's face, also with a Fire Dragon mask. nba suddenly surprised. immediately on the alert. yourself out of this is estimated that no one knows. Obviously the other in here waiting for their own whereabouts who leaked? nba speechless. Chu river Emperor immediately sword shot but the old man just slightly waved the Chu river Emperor a blood erupted fall in the distance. Yang Jian Yi Leng. instantly could get in the hands of rushed out his weapons roar heard up the old man just sigh hands flip handprint suddenly an tenrai the sky from the sky suddenly is sky electro-optic immediately saw Yang Jian, also fell to the ground does not move. nba heart scared this cultivation has been higher than many masters of many his mind to rapidly heaven, but am still no idea who this old man murderous have all regarded him shrouded. if he was desperate to want to escape from here is possible. nba repair.

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